WhatsApp API

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WhatsApp x Botsys

One-stop Solution for Global Service & Marketing


Omnichannel + AI Powered Boost Marketing ROI

· WhatsApp API Embedded Registration
· Business Green Mark Certification
· Chatbot 24/7 Response
· Smart Chat Routing & Skill Group Assignment
· Bulk Engagement Supported
· Service Quality & Marketing ROI Analysis

Account Verification & System Integration

· Little Risk of Being Blocked
· Direct Complaint Submission with Meta
· Sensitive Words Monitoring & Alert
· Open Platform, Seamlessly Docking with
CRM & Other Business Systems
Official Confirmation, Stable, No Blocking, Unlimited
An official business account has a green checkmark next to its name, showing that WhatsApp has confirmed that an authentic and notable brand owns this account, which directly boosts trust from customers
Outbound limit can be upgraded quickly, unlimited level can be entitled within 4 days
Botsys + WhatsApp SCRM = the Most Efficient Tool for Proactive Approach
Create & Manage Template
Scalably Approach Targeted Customers
Effectively Achieve Conversion
Botsys + WhatsApp SCRM = the Most Connected Tool for Contact Center
Customer Initiates Conversation via WhatsApp
Chatbot / Agent Well Receive on Sobot Workbench

Deliver conversational customer experiences

76% of WhatsApp users want to be able to communicate with businesses through messaging.
68% of WhatsApp users think it is the easiest way to connect with businesses.

Drive Conversions with WhatsApp Chatbot

We Are WhatsApp Business Solution Provider
Craft Your Global Contact Center Solution

Get high quality leads

Set up a virtual assistant

Get 360 customers' view

Increase conversion rates

Reduce operational costs

Reduce operational costs